THE WORK: Feel. Think. Choose. In that Order.

(3 Simple Steps to Liberate Your Most Authentic Self)

Let me be the first to congratulate you! You’re on the brink of discovering brand new ways to tackle old challenges! Feel. Think. Choose. In that Order. (3 Simple Steps to Liberate Your Most Authentic Self) is a straightforward approach to living a proactive, not reactivelife. In the interest of full disclosure, I intend to share some pretty well-established psychological concepts with you. Groundbreaking or not, this book is worth your time and attention. Here’s why I believe this is true:

  •  It’s highly likely some of the information presented will, in fact, be new to you.

  •  The 3-steps of feel, think, and choose might be presentedin a way that really resonates with you right now. 

  • You’re ready to receive something you haven’t been ready to receive in the past. 

  • The Universe has inspired me to share what I know, with you, at this precise moment in time. (Who are we to argue with the Universe?!)

While working with a diverse client population over the course of my career, I began to pick up on some things they had in common, things that transcended individual differences. Over time, patterns of what resonated with clients experiencing the most successful outcomes began to take shape. I started paying closer attention to the kinds of educational information, tools, and strategies these clients found particularly helpful. The synthesis of these resources has culminated in this work. I’m excited to share it with you.

Brandee Smith